plant medicine | Cura Co.Lab

Cura Co.Lab…the alchemy of a thousand petals.

We embrace the ethereal, esoteric and energetic,

And temper it with science.

Our hearts burst with love for the waft of lavender on the wind, the helichrysum flower quivering in the breeze, and the roses, oh the roses, with their silk-soft petals and dizzying scent.

With our minds, we explore, learn and search for the proof that our spirit already knows.

We long for a world where kindness to each other and our wondrous earth abounds,

Where respect and love carry each day.

With gratitude and reverence, we drink from nature’s bounty,

And in return, we protect her.

For we know, we are nature, and she is us.

Cura Co.Lab blossomed from a promise we made to ourselves. That through our work, we would share the gifts of nature, going gently, softly and with gratitude.